Referrals and Fees

Adelaide Child Psychology accepts clients under Medicare, private health (depending on your insurer and level of cover), privately funded, and NDIS arrangements. We are currently able to accept NDIS clients who are either plan-managed or self-managed. At this time, we are not able to accept NDIA-managed clients.

Adelaide Child Psychology is a private clinic. This means that, unfortunately, we do not bulk bill any of our psychology or speech pathology services and there is an out-of-pocket cost for all appointments. Please see below and speak to our staff for more information regarding appointment costs.


Health Care Plan and produced an appropriate referral from their General Practitioner, Paediatrician, or Psychiatrist. We ask that referrers please specify the number of sessions the client is being referred for (up to the maximum allowed on a referral, 6).

Clinical Psychology appointments are charged at $244.22 per 50 minute consultation. The Medicare rebate for an appointment with a Clinical Psychologist is $141.85, meaning that the out-of-pocket cost is $102.37.

Appointments with a Registered Psychologist are charged at $244.22 per 50 minute consultation. The Medicare rebate for an appointment with a Registered Psychologist is $96.65, meaning that the out-of-pocket cost is $147.57.

Appointments with a Provisional Psychologist are charged at $156.16 per 50 minute session. There is no Medicare rebate available and the client is responsible for the full fee.

Under the Complex Neurodevelopmental Disorder and Disability Services Initiative (previously Helping Children with Autism), clients may access up to 20 psychology appointments with an appropriate referral from their treating medical practitioner. The referred individual must have been formally identified as Autistic. The Medicare rebate for these sessions is $93.35.

Other Medicare items for psychology may be available. Please speak with your GP to discuss eligibility requirements or see for details.

Speech Pathology appointments are billed at $193.99 per 60 minute timeslot, which includes 45-50 mins face-to-face consultation and 10-15 minutes of preparation and record keeping. Shorter appointments for younger children can be negotiated, based on this rate. There is a Medicare rebate of $60.35 available with a valid referral from a medical practitioner.

Private Health:

Many private health insurers provide a rebate for attendance at psychology and speech pathology appointments. Different insurers provide different rebates. Please contact your private health provider to discuss the rebates available. Please note that private health cover cannot be utilised to cover the ‘gap’ fee payable after claiming a Medicare rebate. Clients must decide which funding option they would like to utilise.


Clients with an NDIS plan with funding in the appropriate category may utilise this to access psychology appointments. Psychology appointments are charged at the current NDIS rate of $244.22 per 60 minute consultation. Appointments with a Provisional Psychologist are charged at $156.16. We are able to accept clients with NDIS plans that are self-managed or plan-managed. Please note that NDIS funding cannot be utilised to pay the ‘gap’ fee payable after claiming a Medicare rebate. Speech Pathology appointments are charged at $193.99 per 60 minute appointment, which includes 45-50 mins face-to-face consultation time and 10-15 mins preparation and record keeping time.

Privately Funded:

Clients may wish not to utilise Medicare or private health options and choose to pay in full. Psychology appointments are charged at $244.22 per 50 minute consultation. Appointments with a Provisional Psychologist are charged at $156.16. Speech Pathology appointments are $193.99 per appointment.

Please note that our fees are lower than the APS National Schedule of Recommended Fees 2024 which has recommended the standard 46 to 60-minute consultation fee at $300.
- From the
Australian Psychological Society.


Psychoeducational assessments are charged at $1,700. This usually includes a 2-3 hour assessment block (additional testing/appointments may be necessary), a feedback session (in-clinic or over the telephone/online), and a detailed report.

Medicare rebates are not available for psychoeducational assessments.

Autism dual assessments (carried out by both a Psychologist and Speech Pathologist) are charged at $2,000. A Medicare rebate may be available for an Autism assessment with an appropriate referral from a Paediatrician or Psychiatrist (not a GP).

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) assessments are charged at $1,800. This assessment involves a cognitive assessment and compiling information gathered from parents/caregivers and the child’s school teacher (interviews and/or questionnaires). No rebate is available for ADHD assessments.


Non-attendance at appointments is charged at 100% of the total fee. Cancellations on the day of, or the day before, a scheduled appointment will attract a cancellation fee of 100% of the total fee.

For assessments, we have a two day cancellation policy. Assessments cancelled on the day of, or one or two days before, will attract a $200 cancellation fee.